
評分4.6(19)John'sBackgroundSwitcherputsbeautifulfull-screenphotosandstunningmontagesonyourdesktop.ChoosethephotosfromyourowncollectiononyourMac ...,評分4.5(4)·免費·WindowsJohn'sBackgroundSwitcherkeepsyourdesktopfreshandinterestingbylettingyouchoosespecificimagestodisplayasrandomwallpapers.,John'sBackgroundSwitcher(簡稱JBS)是一款可定時(如每小時或每天)自動更換電腦桌布的免費軟體。您不但可以設定一...

John's Background Switcher on the Mac App Store

評分 4.6 (19) John's Background Switcher puts beautiful full-screen photos and stunning montages on your desktop. Choose the photos from your own collection on your Mac ...

John's Background Switcher for Windows

評分 4.5 (4) · 免費 · Windows John's Background Switcher keeps your desktop fresh and interesting by letting you choose specific images to display as random wallpapers.

John's Background Switcher v5.9.0.9 繁體中文版

John's Background Switcher (簡稱JBS) 是一款可定時(如每小時或每天) 自動更換電腦桌布的免費軟體。您不但可以設定一次顯示一張圖片或多張圖片或拼 ...

John's Background Switcher for Windows

John's Background Switcher allows you to automatically change the wallpaper each certain time. Choose the timing in the configuration panel and choose the ...

John's Background Switcher

John's Background Switcher is a simple but effective way to choose different backgrounds from a huge range of sources. Add the option to customise the calendar ...

John's Background Switcher

John's Background Switcher puts beautiful full-screen photos and stunning montages on your desktop from places like your computer, Flickr, SmugMug, ...

John's Background Switcher for Windows

John's Background Switcher (or JBS for short) periodically changes the background image on your Windows computer to something awesome.

John's background switcher + Reddit's RSS feeds

Hi, I've come back from a vacation and my wallpaper switcher tells me that the feeds I have been using for years are now blocked.

John's Background Switcher

評分 3.7 (48) · 免費 · Windows John's Background Switcher is pretty much what the name suggests, an application designed to help the user change any machine's background image.

MetroSidebar 1.0.7 實用的Metro風格側欄工具列

MetroSidebar 1.0.7 實用的Metro風格側欄工具列
